[91995-52-7] , [EC: 295-313-4]

Distillates (coal tar), pitch, pyrene fraction; Heavy Anthracene Oil Redistillate; [The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 °C to 410 °C (7160 to 770 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.]

Also Called: Distillates (coal tar), pitch, pyrene fraction [Heavy anthracene oil redistillate];DISTILLATES (COAL TAR), PITCH, PYRENE FRACTION;Heavy Anthracene Oil Redistillate;[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 °C to 410 °C (7160 to 770 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 å¡C to 410 å¡C (7160 to 770 å¡F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];Heavy anthracene oil redistillate (The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 to 410 °C. Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.);[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boilin;[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 °C to 410 °C (716 to 770 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];[The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 °C to 410 °C (7160 to 770 °F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs);Distillates (coal tar), pitch, pyrene fraction (The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380°C to 410°C (716°F to 770°F). Composed primarily of tri- and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.);Heavy Anthracene Oil Redistillate [The redistillate obtained from the fractional distillation of pitch distillate and boiling in the range of approximately 380 °C to 410 °C (7160 to 770 °F). Composed primarily of tri-and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic compounds.];destilados (alcatrão de carvão), breu, fração de pireno;redestilado de óleo de antraceno pesado;[Redestilado proveniente da destilação fracionada de destilado de breu, com destilação no intervalo aproximado de 380oC a 410oC. É constituído principalmente por compostos heterocíclicos e hidrocarbonetos aromáticos tricíclicos e policíclicos.]

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